Searx is a free software internet metasearch engine which aggregates results from other search engines, while not storing information about its users. The metasearch engine is a privacy enhancing alternative to other search engines like Google, Bing or Yahoo. Searx does not track or profile its users, nor does it share its users' data with third parties. Additionally, Searx can be used over Tor for online anonymity.
Tool type: Search engine
Ease of use: Searx is easy to install, configure, maintain and troubleshoot
Open source: Yes
Encryption support: Searx offers secure, encrypted connections (HTTPS/SSL).
Benefits: Searx does not collect or share its users' personal information with third parties, which limits profiling and increases your online privacy.
Limitations: Searx does not provide personalised search results, but rather shows all users the same search results for a given search term.
Independent code audited: "None that we know of"
Cost: Free of charge
Languages: English
Compatibility: Searx is compatible with all browsers.
Developed by: Free software developer Adam Tauber.
Last updated: 11 February 2016